Develop Yourself,  Expand Your Life

Learn skills, tools and habits that takes your life to a new level. Master everyday life - live with more joy, ease and confidence.

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Become part of a women only membership community

Women are powerful, capable and strong

Remembering who you are:

  1. Believe in yourself and your abilities.

    2. Take ownership of your life and decisions.

    3. Set goals and work towards them.

    4. Develop a positive attitude and outlook on life.

    5. Take care of your mental and physical health.

    6. Speak up for yourself and stand up for what you believe in.

    7. Take risks and don’t be afraid to fail.

    8. Surround yourself with positive people.

    9. Take time for yourself and do things that make you happy.

    10. Take initiative and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Welcome to AWE

Introducing Amazing Women Everywhere


AWE is a unique online platform for women who want to transform their lives by changing their thinking and intentionally creating what they want. When you alter the way you think and change the programmes that run your mind, you are consciously creating your own life. With consistent practice and commitment to your growth and development, the teachings and guidance you receive will support you across multiple areas of your life.

I’ll teach you the latest practices on personal development. You'll learn effective present moment  approaches. And the tips and tricks that are going to completely change your daily routine. You will be supported to feel empowered, resilient and manage life situations with calm and equanimity.

AWE Membership will be a place where women can come to feel supported, nurtured and mentored. It is a space for women who feel the pull to step into the fullness of who they are. The skills and knowledge you are taught will springboard you into higher levels of awareness so that you become the controller of your own life.

Now is our time and I want as many women to feel able to bring their skills and talents to the fore because the world needs us. Now is not the time to feel 'small' or 'not good enough'. The more you become free of limiting beliefs, of thoughts and worries that hold you back, the more you can shine your light and gifts to the benefit of yourself and others.  

Within our women only membership, you will have the opportunity to learn, grow and BE-come more of the person you want to be. Most people have never been taught essential life skills that support living a full and prosperous life. In this membership you will learn these skills and more. Life is what you make it and in this space, you will learn how to create it.

When you join AWE, you will become part of a community of women supporting and celebrating each other as the amazing women we are because - together we are stronger.


Are you ready to take control of your life?

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When you shift, life shifts with you!

What comes with your membership:

  • Present Moment Practice - enjoy short audios to help you move out of your busy mind and into your body
  • Monthly Live  - get unique teachings directly from Debbie Connors! 
  • Weekly Videos & Articles - continue learning and deepening your knowledge and skills which support your work and personal life
  • Access tools and resources - support to help you maintain and sustain what you learn
  • Private Community - an amazing way to connect with others women walking the path of empowerment and personal and development
  • Guest videos from Inspirational Speakers - extra content from other teachers from our time

Content specially curated for the development of women.....

Weekly content

Teachings that empower you

You'll receive step by step practical tools and teachings delivered through self paced presentations and trainings organised by the experienced coach and trainer Debbie Connors.

Imagine what can happen when you release limiting beliefs, when you can quickly change your mindset from stress to calm, when you can communicate in a way that doesn't trigger others and you can move into seeing and attracting more more of what you want. You'll learn actionable steps you can take to positively impact all areas of your life and have fun doing it. Examples include:

  • Present moment practice to calm you body and mind 
  • Exercises to overcome negative thinking
  • Learning how to manage your stress responses 

 Each month we'll cover topics support you to make a positive difference in your life. 


Personal live teachings and sessions with Debbie 

Debbie is a trained coach, mentor and businesswoman - she will share her wisdom and learnings within the teachings and sessions she delivers.  Debbie has trained with world renowned experts and gurus and she is delighted to share this with you. She will:

  • Respond to your questions
  • Act as a coach and mentor when needed
  • Be committed to your growth as you rediscover your awesomeness

Life can only get sweeter! 


Science & Spirituality combined

We are more than our minds - science tells us how our body and brain works and spirituality show us how to connect our mind, heart and body. We become more balanced when we operate from all three. Imagine being able to tap into and rely on your intuition to make decisions and guide aspects of your life:

  • Understanding your heart power 
  • Recognising and tuning into your intuition
  • Becoming intentional about what you want

You’ll begin to realise you are more in control of our life than you thought.


Wisdom & inspiration

Oftentimes, it's great to hear how others have made their way and overcome life challenges. We will respond to what will best serve the community at the time. Either way, you'll be in for a treat. You’ll get to hear from people who have:

  • Achieved career success
  • Have changed their lives for the better
  • Have inspiring stories to tell 

You’ll go away feeling uplifted with lots of food for thought.

This Membership Is For You If...

  • You dream of having a better life but just dont know where to start. 
  • You want to learn new skills that positively change your mind-state
  • You're fed up of feeling tired and stressed out 
  • You know your limiting beliefs are holding you back but can't seem to shift out of it 
  • You want better health and wellbeing
  • You know you're capable of more but feel stuck and lack confidence
  • You want to be a role model to other women, children or daughters in your life so that they may become empowered women of the future

I'm Debbie Connors

As I look back over the years, I wish I knew then what I know now - my life, work and relationships would have been so much smoother! As a lifelong learner, I have trained in many different personal development modalities that I use in all areas of my life that makes the art of living go more smoothly.  

Now I use what I've learned to help people live with more ease and grace.  I’ll show you how to create change in different areas of your life so you become the empowered woman you were meant to be. 

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Amazing Women Everywhere

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What does your business do to support women at work? AWE covers personal and professional development and wellbeing, all in one place.


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